Thursday, 06 September 2007
By Kay Dennison of Kay's Thinking Cap
Our children grow up and go out into the world and suddenly they decide they have to parent their parents. A few years ago, My Daughter the Sailor was home on leave and, as usual she stayed at her dad's because he and his live-in have an extra bedroom and I don't.
She always spends most of her leave time as possible with me and we have great fun. We go to Taggart's for a Kitchen Sink sundae (one sundae – two spoons), shop, and usually go to the restaurant where she worked summers during college and calls her former bosses, Uncle Paul and Uncle Phil.
The best times, however, are when we hang out at my place and just talk for hours and catch up on each other's lives. One particular evening several years ago comes to mind.
She arrived at my place as I was in the dining room at my computer checking my email and talking to a friend on IM. She immediately began wandering through my apartment, as usual, looking to see what was new including my closet commenting that she thought I'd cornered the market on black dresses, and headed to the kitchen to check out my kitchen to assess my diet or lack thereof
I heard the door to the fridge open and suddenly she yelled, "Is this wine any good?"
"I don't know – Pat and Tim at the carry-out recommended it so I assume it is."
"Yeah, they know their stuff. Can I open it?"
"Sure! Bring me a glass please."
I heard her rummaging through the drawer where I kept my kitchen utensils and suddenly she hollered, "Where the hell is your corkscrew?" As I said, she's a sailor.
I thought a minute and said, "Come here and bring the bottle with you." She stomped into the dining room as I was pulling the corkscrew out of the drawer to my computer desk.
"Moooooooooom!!! You've been sitting in front of the computer drinking wine!" she shouted, filled with righteous indignation.
I blushed and laughed uncontrollably, feeling like I'd been caught with my hand in the cookie jar. When I recovered, I asked, "When did you become my mother?"
"When you decided to have a second adolescence!"
"Brat!" I retorted, unable to come up with anything better.
"You had better be nice to me, Mom – I get to choose your nursing home!" We both started laughing despite the chill of cold, hard reality running down my spine.
Kids these days! Sigh. I'm guessing this is a payback and it's probably only going to get worse before it gets better.
Posted by Ronni Bennett at 02:30 AM | Permalink | Email this post
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Laugh plenty, enjoy the wine and never worry about the Care Home. It might never happen!
Posted by: Grannymar | Thursday, 06 September 2007 at 04:00 AM
No Nursing home for us, Kay.
Remember? You, Grannymar,Joy and I are going to live on the cruise ship through our golden Years. Didn't you tell your daughter?
Another thing I have noticed ,Kay. You must be in the chips to be able to buy wine that has a CORK! My wine has a screw top and a warning label
from the Surgeon General!
Posted by: Nancy | Thursday, 06 September 2007 at 05:51 AM
Yep....we're going on that cruise ship that Nancy's been talking about Kay. We're going to laugh our guts out until one...or all of us fall over the glasses and all. That's one way of saving our kids the chore of looking for nursing homes for us.
Posted by: Joy | Thursday, 06 September 2007 at 07:55 AM
Omigod! I forgot about that! I may be going to visit her and I'll tell her. Now I can sleep at night.
Don't ya just love it when your kids act like you're a kid!
And no, Nancy, I'm not in the chips --far from it -- I just have truly great wine guys who watch for bargains for their clientele. I just walk in and tell them what I need, usually "good, red, cheap" and they get a bottle from the shelves. lol
I only splurge when the Beaujolais Nouveau comes out on November 1st -- the ultimate quaffing wine! And they usually have some for 10 bucks a bottle. lol
Posted by: Kay Dennison | Thursday, 06 September 2007 at 09:17 AM
Do you have a Trader Joe's near you? Some stores have wine that I hear is very good and only $3.00 a bottle!! No, that was not a type-o.
$3.00 a bottle!!
We could get pretty happy with that. They used to call that, A Cheap Drunk."
Posted by: millie garfield | Thursday, 06 September 2007 at 06:46 PM
Millie is right. Charles Shaw sells for $2.99 at Trader Joe's in Arizona. His Chardonnay just beat out very expensive Chardonnays in a professional wine tasting. His Merlot is not as good, but the price is the same. In California they call him "Two Buck Chuck" because that's the going price for his wine in that State.
Posted by: Darlene | Friday, 07 September 2007 at 06:37 AM
Kay, sounds like you have a wonderful daughter. And count me in on that cruise!
Posted by: Suzzwords | Saturday, 08 September 2007 at 07:39 PM
I want to come on that cruise too! Count me another vote for screw-top wine bottles--New Zealand is the source of some very nice ones.
Posted by: Betsy Devine | Monday, 10 September 2007 at 11:50 AM
Ha, ha, ha!!! No ol' folks home for us, Kay, we'll be tapping out messages to each other on the walls in the federal pen for opposing S 1959.
Posted by: Claudia | Wednesday, 12 December 2007 at 09:31 PM