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Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Winter’s Blush

By Johna Ferguson

Winter descended as a white cloud in the night,
I awoke in the morning to a beautiful sight.

The world had been transformed before my very own eyes,
I could almost hear the laden trees let out moaning sighs.

The lawn was all covered with a foot full of snow,
It was so silent that even the wind dared not blow.

I hurriedly dressed in warm clothes, boots and all,
And headed out carefully making sure I didn’t fall.

The air was so fresh, yet the cold was so biting,
My nose felt it first like it had been hit by lightening.

In spite of it’s smoothness I discerned little marks,
All caused of course by our hungry meadowlarks.

My footprints went deep but I knew it was short lasting,
Soon the sun would be out with hot rays a blasting.

This pristine beauty would end up as nothing but slush,
But for now let its beauty be that of winter’s first blush.

[INVITATION: All elders, 50 and older, are welcome to submit stories for this blog. They can be fiction, non-fiction, poetry, memoir, etc. Instructions for submitting are here.]

Posted by Ronni Bennett at 02:30 AM | Permalink | Email this post


Just lovely, living in the city it is always only a very short glimpse of any sort of snow that we get..before the traffic of cars and footprints take away the magic...you sure caught it...thank you...Mary Follett

Delightful poem!
This past weekend, I found myself looking often out of my kitchen window taking in the peacefulness and beauty of the first major fallen snow. I especially look forward this time of year seeing the cardinal (we call him our house cardinal) who never fails to appear at our bird feeder. It’s a sight to behold…red bird; white snow; snow covered green/white trees….Of course, once we humans are able to get out, the fairy-tale image ends.

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