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Friday, 22 February 2013

On Driving in Retirement

By Marc Leavitt of Marc Leavitt's Blog

For fifty years the trips increased,
I drove a million miles, at least.
If I could choose to drive or stay,
I always chose to drive away.

The weather never curbed my pace;
I had to drive to every place.
Inside a car my life was sweet,
The driving made it so complete.

Now driving’s out; I shun the call
Of work or school or shopping mall.
Instead I drive to get some milk,
Or simple errands of that ilk.

My current car goes everywhere,
And gets me home without a care.
Today I read and laugh at deals
To buy a brand new set of wheels.

[INVITATION: All elders, 50 and older, are welcome to submit stories for this blog. They can be fiction, non-fiction, poetry, memoir, etc. Please read instructions for submitting.]

Posted by Ronni Bennett at 05:30 AM | Permalink | Email this post


Just delightful. My current truck is seventeen now, and still get's me on my errands. Then again, if I go out of town, I take the train. :)

Nice, Marc. Our sedan just turned 12. We're still loving it, and it's still serving us well.

Marc, I love cars. At age 12, I knew the model of every car on the road and kept a scrapbook of magazine car advertisements. Now they all look alike.

This week I assisted a nice 100 yr. old gentleman at Post Office; helped him down the steps and into his car. Watched the traffic & told him when he could back out into the road safely. Then I prayed for his safety as he "flew" down the Main St.

You are very clever saying in poetry what a lot of us do with our cars. I put so few miles on my car these days that I got a reduction in my premium.

Great piece Marc. But I am bad. I love to drive. On a moments notice we jump in the truck and may drive 100 miles just to have dinner. The Arabs send me Christmas cards. I must be their favorite customer.

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