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Friday, 21 March 2014

There’s Nothing Wrong in Being Old

By Marc Leavitt of Marc Leavitt's Blog

There’s nothing wrong in being old,
It comes to all, if truth be told.
The young think that the old are done,
And should stay home, their races run.

Our lives are chapters in a book,
And each one’s worth a second look,
The pages full of joy and strife,
All aspects of a busy life.

The young grow old, and once were young,
The fact on which the story’s hung;
No use to grumble or to fear
The story’s end, when bedtime’s near.

[INVITATION: All elders, 50 and older, are welcome to submit stories for this blog. They can be fiction, non-fiction, poetry, memoir, etc. Please read instructions for submitting.]

Posted by Ronni Bennett at 05:30 AM | Permalink | Email this post


So true, Marc. Thank you.

Marc, thanks for another of your wise thoughts. It's like they just roll off your tongue!

A good start for my day; one of your thoughtful yet fun poems. Keep them coming.

Well said! I will read it every day!

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