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New Years 2008

Motherpie’s New Year's “Still” List

category_bug_journal2.gif A couple of days ago, Motherpie remarked on the stillness that surrounds the ending of one year and the beginning of another and then extended that thought into a “still” list to mark the season when some people make resolutions (not me!), and many reflect upon what has recently gone by.

Anyone who has been around Time Goes By for awhile knows I don’t do memes. But this isn’t exactly a meme and it fits my mood. I’ve amended or skipped some of Motherpie’s categories – just because I can be ornery that way – and added one or two of my own. Where Motherpie’s list is personal, mine combines that with some blog and political “stills” and a bit of whimsy.

Still Loving: Ollie the cat

Still Not: joining social media sites

Still Glad: I live in the U.S., but not as much as in the past

Still Enjoying: blogging every day

Still Doing: mostly whatever I want after a lifetime of living on other people’s schedules

Still Proud: of recovering from my computer crash quite nicely, even while whining about it

Still Amazed: at the huge, warm response from so many of you when I quit blogging for several days

Still Hoping: Jean-Luc Picard will run for president

Still Enjoying: my little, red PT Cruiser (except when it snows)

Still Grateful: for all the wonderful blog friends I have

Still Wanting: to move to Portland, Oregon

Still Trying: to understand how the U.S. has gotten so far off track

Still Failing: to grasp the reasons for the popularity of ageism

Still Passionate: about studying and writing about aging

Still Dating: no one and not unhappy about it

Still Working: on getting Ollie the cat to sleep later (this is worth a rerun)

Still Reading: the 25 or 30 books in the unread pile

Still Worried: about the U.S. slide toward fascism

Still Wondering: if there will be a presidential candidate in 2008 I can vote for without holding my nose

Still Pleased: about the growing number of excellent elderblogs

And, at 5:30AM, it is STILL snowing with about five inches on the ground already. It began around midnight and the weather folks say it will continue until mid-afternoon. It is barely new years and this will be the fifth time I've dug out my little, red PT Cruiser from the [expletive deleted] snow. So:

Still Wishing: snowstorms were as much fun as when I lived in New York City and didn't own a car

Since this is not a real meme, I won't tag anyone, but do feel free to make your own "still list".

See you next year.

[At The Elder Storytelling Place today, Demijon reflects on the perennial disconnect about chores between husbands and wives in The Night Before - Two Nights Before.]


Still so happy you are still blogging, Ronni!
Happy New Year!

Thanks for the inspiration and link to MotherPie. It was an interesting list to put together this morning.
Happy New Year, Ronni!

Ronni, I have been compiling my Still list this early morning.
Gave me much to think about and put a smile on my face. Thank you for that. My list too long to send. But I am thankful for my new home, selling home and moving all in 7 months of 2007. Enjoying being near family. Plan to continue to simplyfy in every way. Dreaming of my new garden, trip to the ocean and oh would love to go to Italy. Still trying to figure out how I have rolled past 3 score and 10 and feel younger then the lady I see in the mirror. Thankful for being introduced to the blogging world and now with beginning to learn about my new digital camera can share pictures. Enough said.
Blessings sent your way. Ernestine

Happy New Year to you and to your legion of readers, Ronni!

Ronni, I love this idea for the end of the year. In fact I swiped it and used it for a writing prompt on First 50 Words today.

Well, we both blogged about the same thing, this morning!
I'll vote Jean-Luc Picard! :)

Still wishing you all the best wishes and my hopes for your continued health and prosperity in the New Year. May you receive back in bundles all the cheer that you give to us readers and friends.

That was a satisfying list and worth taking some time to consider which I will do later. My 'after' Christmas this year was far more hectic than before due to the family celebration coming yesterday; so the usual time to ponder was turned into list making and a whirl of activity which was well worth it to me, but still changed my usual way to end one year and mentally consider the one to come. I hope the coming week will be my contemplation time.

Happy New Year

With tongue in cheek I will head my list with STILL LIVING. In addition I am still enjoying TIME GOES BY and the opportunity to sound off.

Happy New Year, Ronni, and the same to all of her readers. May we continue to enjoy each other's comments the entire year of 2008.

Thanks........delightful. Somethings have excaped me, "meme" being one, this list another....which sounds like a delightful way to start the new year. Thank you indeed.

Ronni - you know I don't do memes, either, but there IS something that gives a deep sense of presence and thought. I'm so glad to read your stills --- especially that you are not, still, doing social media as I'm not either and have always wondered why I'm not when I feel I'm an early adapter.

Unread book piles? Me too -- an indicator of an active mind.

I'm most glad you are still blogging. You are the first blogger who went outside the blog wall to encourage me when I started blogging. You're wonderful.

New Year Cheers... MotherPie

Ronni, Happy New Year to you.
Still Enjoying: Time Goes By.
Still Enjoying: Keeping up with the weather in the Portland Maine area! (as I am here in FL)

That was an excellent "still" list! I enjoyed reading that.

Happy New Year Ronni - and Ollie too!

ronni, still find surprises in your posts! in portland,O. for next two weeks and glad to find out anything that might help your wish to relocate.

happy 2008. yours, naomi

I'm still grateful you came back, Ronni. Happy New Year!

Ronni, I rarely do memes myself and rarely read forwards. But, I do like the "stills" you wrote to from Motherpie.

I think Portland is a wonderful city although I just don't do well in the rain in my later years. I only visit my own son in Washington a few times a year and rarely in winter.

Thanks for hosting this elder community. I don't read daily, but I read often and often tell people about your site. It's the best!

Happy new year, Ronni.

Still waters run deep.

Still love you.

Thanks for everything in 2007. I hope we see each other in 2008!

What Mother Pie said!

Thanks for the "still" moments!
Such a solitary word can have so much action after it!
Happy new year

Hoping 08 is good to me health wise..

I would like to learn more about blogging..making sure I'm doing it right. Self taught and have made many mistakes.

Learn more about the computer and software. I barely survive..while I'm home for 6 to 8 weeks I hope I'm well enough to learn, learn, learn..I have a few people who said they would stop by and help me.

Do something special for my grandchildren.. All of them, maybe take a trip together...(am I crazy)? They are ages 4 to 26..
Yes, but I'll do it anyway.

Learn to relax and not multi task so much.. it's really hard for me to relax..

Read more books. I buy them start them and don't finish them..

Develop better sleeping habits..I don't sleep but 4 to 5 hours..I once again can't relax...

Eat better as I love junk food, chocolate etc.

Develop our blog (Linda and I) to its best potential..Sharing grams in todays families. Making a difference to kids and parents..which was our original goal when we started.

Living life to it's fullest...

Thanking God for everything I have now.

Ronni Happy New Year.

I am still hoping you can start a search for some energetic nearby teen who needs a few extra bucks and would like to earn it by digging your car out from the snow. You do not need that hassle.


The Still List is a lovely idea. I've made one instead of New Year's Resolutions that I know I won't keep.

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