Elders and Summer Heat Dangers
Monday, 10 June 2013
(Australians and other TGB readers below the equator can skip today's post or save it for next November.)
It was warm enough for a couple of days last week to be mildly uncomfortable reminding me that it is time for the annual TGB summer heat warning post.
In fact, there is an acronym we need to learn: EHE means Extreme Heat Event which, I'm pretty sure, needs no explanation.
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), there are about 650 heat-related deaths each summer in the U.S. and the number has been rising.
In 2012, one half of those deaths affected people 65 and older and that's not unusual. Among the groups most vulnerable to heat-related illness or death are the very old, children four and younger, and those with chronic medical conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.
A problem for elders is that as we get older, our body temperature regulators do not work as well as when we were young. Sometimes we don't feel thirst when our bodies need liquid so drink a lot of water during hot months.
Here are some other suggestions for getting you, your family, friends and neighbors through the hot season:
• Wear light-colored, loose clothing.
• Heat waves are not the time to skimp on the electric bill. Turn up the air conditioning when you need it.
• If you do not have air conditioning, now is the time – before an EHE – to find out the locations of your city's cooling centers. Hundreds of cities use school gyms and other large gathering places to help people cool down during the worst of the day's heat.
• You could also go the movies, the mall or visit a friend who has air conditioning during the afternoon.
• If you have air conditioning, consider inviting a friend who does not to visit you during the hottest hours of the day.
• If you must be out and about during a heat wave, do your errands in the early morning. Schedule appointments before the worst heat of the day.
• Eat light meals that do not need cooking. High-water-content foods like cantaloupe, watermelon, apples and other fruits are good.
• Keep window shades lowered and curtains drawn during the heat of the day.
• Some medications for diabetes, high blood pressure and other conditions can inhibit the body's ability to cool itself. If your area is experiencing a prolonged heat wave, perhaps ask your physician if you can forgo or reduce the amount of those medications for the duration.
There are two heat-related conditions that are deadly serious and you should know the symptoms:
HEAT EXHAUSTION occurs when the body gets too hot. Symptoms are thirst, weakness, dizziness, profuse sweating, cold and clammy skin, normal or slightly elevated body temperature.
Move yourself or someone experiencing these symptoms to a cool place, drink cool liquids, take a cool bath or shower and rest.
HEAT STROKE is a medical emergency. It can cause brain damage so get thee or the affected person to a hospital. It occurs when body temperature reaches 104 or 105 in a matter of minutes.
Other symptoms include confusion; faintness; strong, rapid pulse; lack of sweating and bizarre behavior. Don't fool around with this.
This is a short video about the seriousness of excessive summer heat recorded a few days ago by Dr. Robin Ikeda, Acting Director of the CDC's National Center for Environmental Health:
The CDC has an entire section of its website devoted to staying healthy and cool during extreme heat, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has posted a 60-page Excessive Heat Events Guidebook [pdf].
Enjoy the warm months, but stay cool and safe this summer too.
At The Elder Storytelling Place today, Dan Gogerty: Never Go on Vacation with a Farmer
We here in the desert Southwest know (or should know) about heat and what it can do to anyone. Our heat is very extreme daily for several months. Local news outlets stress the dangers of extreme heat on a regular basis, but we still have heat related deaths every year. I can not stress how important these guidelines are. Thank you for providing this information.
Posted by: Sidney Thompson | Monday, 10 June 2013 at 08:44 AM
Timely advice, considering we're due for our hottest day of the year today, with possibly record-breaking temperatures.
Worth noting to those staying home during the day -- computers and televisions put out a lot of heat. My A/C struggles on any hot day, but having a big flat-screen TV on all day makes it notably worse.
Symptoms of heat exhaustion also include nausea and/or vomiting.
Posted by: PiedType | Monday, 10 June 2013 at 08:45 AM
Thanks for the reminders. I live in the desert so heat is something we learn to deal with. I do have air conditioning and all cars that I ride in do also. The only time I suffer is when the car has been left in the sun too long and when you first get in it feels like you have entered an oven. Fortunately, modern cars cool down very rapidly.
Believe me, if my heat pump breaks down in the hot part of the summer I will move to a hotel until I can have a new one installed. You are right, Ronni, it is very unwise to ignore the symptoms of heat stroke.
Posted by: Darlene | Monday, 10 June 2013 at 08:51 AM
I know this is a serious matter, but I had to laugh when The Engineer and I moved back to Seattle last summer after several years on the east coast.
It was hotter than it usually gets, and the day after we got back he asked me where the switch was to turn on the air conditioner. He correctly deduced from my reaction that we don't have an air conditioner.
Posted by: Madeleine Kolb | Monday, 10 June 2013 at 01:04 PM
Good reminder not to wait to feel "thirsty."
I was at my local library recently on a hot day and walking in, I saw a dog crying out in a car. I went to the librarian, and she was kind enough to get on their P.A. system, give the license plate, and ask the owner to go take care of the dog.
Posted by: Shelley | Monday, 10 June 2013 at 03:29 PM
I am a stroke survivor, and my occupational therapist cautioned me to limit my time in the sun and to always have someone outside with me if I am gardening or engaging in other active outdoor activity in the summer.
Posted by: Linda Skupien | Monday, 10 June 2013 at 03:51 PM
Thanks, Shelley, for reminding people about leaving dogs or any animal--let alone young children!--locked in a hot car. On a number of occasions I, too, have requested store personnel to make an announcement over the PA system--and then waited for the dog's owners to come out. If they hadn't appeared within 10-15 minutes, I've been known to call 911! Dogs do not perspire and can easily end up dead after a relatively short time in an overheated car. In any event it's absolutely animal cruelty!
Posted by: Elizabeth Rogers | Monday, 10 June 2013 at 09:58 PM
Very important information for all, and I am planning to share it with all I know. Thanks for this post.
Posted by: Bill Welker | Wednesday, 10 July 2013 at 02:02 AM