How Obamacare Affects Medicare

INTERESTING STUFF – 5 October 2013


It is standard politicking for the right and the left to declare the other side stupid. But we shouldn't let the American public off the hook on that account.

Last week, late night host Jimmy Kimmel asked random pedestrians which they like better, Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act. Stick around for the very end; at least one of them has a sense of humor about being so embarrassingly misinformed.


Wow. This is gorgeous and amazing. From a BBC programme titled Mechanical Marvels: Clockwork Dreams. The automaton was created by Pierre Jaquet-Droz. The video was recommended by TGB reader Nikki Linkquist and others.


As the emails from Darlene Costner and Nancy Leitz were headlined: You go, girl. Is the freshman senator from Massachusetts the only one who tells anything at all like it is? If so, poor us.


Look at all these little buggers heading for the sea. They are born knowing exactly what to do and in which direction to head. Hat tip to Darlene Costner.


Reverse mortgages can be a good option for some retirees age 62 and older, and they also have a bad reputation. Although they are complicated to understand, they should not be shunned.

Now, however, some of the rules have changed that make these federally insured mortgages more difficult and more expensive. As The Motley Fool reports:

”First-year limit. A homeowner may now withdraw only up to 60% of the eligible sum during the first year. If, for example, a person can receive a reverse mortgage of $300,000, only $180,000 can be withdrawn in year one.

“Smaller loans. Before the new rules, borrowers could take out as much as 61.9% of their home's value -- the limit depended on your age, your home value, and the prevailing interest rate. That same evaluation applies, but on average, borrowers will be able to take out about 15% less than they used to.”

You can read more here. Also, three years ago, I wrote a series to help readers understand reverse mortgages. You will find it here. Keep it mind that it has not been updated since 2010, but it is still a good overview.


No, not one of the big ones that drops bombs. This was a three-pound surveillance model.

It fell to earth on a crowded Manhattan sidewalk during rush hour. Take a look at this report from the local ABC channel in New York:

You can read more here.


TGB reader Jane Cornwell sent this nearly full-length movie (47 minutes) titled Fabulous Fashionistas about six healthy, stylish women whose average age is 80.

As I have ranted here many times, I abhor the media's proclivity to hold up extremely active elders as the standard against which all old people are judged - especially those who were not lucky enough to win the old age health sweepstakes.

On the other hand, I equally abhor that the vast majority of media stories about old age present our time in life as “grim and boring” - a phrase that turns up in the first minute of this film.

Considering all that, these are compelling women with a lot more to say about being old than just fashion. It is well worth your time to get to know them.


Just in time for the government shutdown from my friend Jim Stone. Well done, driftglass. You can watch the story below or read it in print here.


From Darlene Costner again – a talented young magician applying his skills with golf players in Scotland.

The magician's name is DMC or, more properly, Drummond Money-Coutts, an Englishman whose magic specialty is cards.

You can find out more about him at his website and at an informative Wikipedia page.

Interesting Stuff is a weekly listing of short takes and links to web items that have caught my attention; some related to aging and some not, some useful and others just for fun.

You are all encouraged to submit items for inclusion. Just click “Contact” in the upper left corner of any Time Goes By page to send them. I'm sorry that I probably won't have time to acknowledge receipt and there is no guarantee of publication. But when I do include them, you will be credited and I will link to your blog if you have one.


Thank you TGB reader Jane Cornwell and Ronnie for sharing Fabulous Fashionistas. I have forwarded the link a dozen times since watching, spellbound, the pizzazz, chutzpa, originality, and intelligence of these women.

Love Liz Warren! She's from my home state of Oklahoma and I'm so very proud of her!

A drone is an unmanned aircraft. An unmanned drone is a needlessly repetitive term. Akin to PIN number, in that PIN means Personal Identification Number.

What made your day yesterday may have been the same silly thing that did it for me. Sent a pacifier to John Boehner, that big crybaby.

John Mc Graw...
You certainly correct. I just hope that isn't the most important thing you took away from this post today.

I really enjoyed the Fabulous Fashionistas. I brought it up on my media player, watched it on the TV, and did my exercises. It was inspiring. Bright and determined women.

Speaking of bright and determined women - I wish we could clone many Elizabeth Warren. We are in sore need of what she provides.

Well I couldn't stop watching these fashionably creative, smart women. Oh how I would love to visit them one by one and hear their stories.

Nothing boring about them.

They are remarkable.

Just one month ago, "A Queens teenager’s obsession with high-powered model helicopters ended in gruesome death yesterday, when one of his beloved toy whirlybirds spun out of control in a Brooklyn park and scalped him, sources said."

WOW! What a feast of deliciously interesting things to enjoy!

Probably the most enjoyable of
today's items is the Fabulous Fashionistas! Love every one of them.... more for their independent views and activities than their wonderfully spectacular sense of style and fashion....
Thanks Ronni for the delightful treat!

Those women on the Fashionistas truly moved me. They jolted me a bit out of my beige. I need to see this on a regular taking a vitimine pill. Thank you.

The Fabulous Fashionistas made my day. Thanks so much for sharing that. As someone who dressed somewhat frumpishly in my younger days when I was heavier, I now try to be more daring. These wonderful women are inspirational and I love how they do it on a budget too. Better keep up with my yoga!

John Mc Graw & Ronni--To make a fine point: A drone is not necessarily "unmanned". It is, by definition (from The Free Dictionary by Farlex ),"4. A pilotless aircraft operated by remote control."

I must agree that, if I "man" (or, in my case, "woman") an aircraft/drone, I will prefer to go as pilot; but "It Ain't Necessarily So".

I'm so bewildered by what's happening in the USA and watching the interviews and Senator Warren's speech compounds that. Why aren't people taking to the streets, or am I missing something?

On a lighter note, the fashionistas certainly were fascinating and it was good that they didn't bang on about aging, only about being themselves. Nice to have a mix of sizes too - whippet thin ones and comfy, cuddly ones!

Congratulations to Senator Warren. Strong stuff!

Thank you for the "Bush Bellies" (I think Dr. Seuss would have approved). And a resounding round of applause to Jimmy Kimmel for the "Obamacare vs the Affordable Care Act" schtick! What a hoot! Am going to share both of these videos with some friends.

Have been aware of the public's ignorance of the ACA's true nature for a long time. Obviously, the Repugs nicknaming it "Obamacare", along with the American citizens' lack of any urge to educate him/herself has, as usual, created an amazing ignorance of what is really being done to them by a handful of radical idiots in Congress.

The "dumbing down" of America continues to amaze, sadden and frighten me.

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